IKEA don't


Thankfully after seeing the doctor visibly cringe when he looked at me, I got some eye drops that seem to be working. I've been in bed all day and am feeling a little better. I can't wait to see what I wake up with tomorrow! Chicken pox? Possibly. The mumps? Even better!
What I Learned Today....
Not only that, on my list of talents gift wrapping ranks at number 999, right before drawing. I find it rather amusing that I can be so astonishingly bad at something most people find rather simple.
Merry Christmas 2007

Here he is, exhausted after his speech that received a standing ovation. Those cheeks are darling. I love baby cheeks. It's perfect that babies come with built in pillows.
Mary is doing just fine. In true Mary fashion she was on the air while in labor. I find that so amusing..."back to you....ouch...". (She's a radio reporter.) She now has the desperately confusing task of trying to manage a toddler and a newborn. I plan on learning from her example.
Way to go!
Couldn't Say It Better...

In Love...

Good bye
He died in a crash while escorting a convoy in Iraq Sunday, 24 days after he started working for a British security firm.
"He had to man up," said longtime friend Adam Frickey. "His wife was pregnant, he couldn't get a job with benefits, so he did it."
It's unclear how many U.S. civilian workers are killed in Iraq. There appears to be no official record of U.S. civilian contractor deaths in the war.
In May, The New York Times reported that 917 civilian contractors had been killed in Iraq, based on interviews and information from the government.
Mortensen had planned to join the Marine Corps since his sophomore year of high school, said Frickey, who enlisted with him after they graduated from Centennial in 2002.
"We wanted to be the toughest, the best, so we joined the Marines," Frickey said. "Originally, we had planned to stay for 20 years."
The two served together in the same unit during a tour of duty in Ramadi in central Iraq.
Mortensen was honorably discharged from the Marines as a corporal in 2005.
He loved sports and the outdoors, especially hunting and shooting. He had a lot of pride in America, and "his patriotism was deep, sincere and unwavering," his family said in his obituary.
Mortensen's survivors include his wife, Megan, whom he met while stationed at Bangor Naval Base in Washington state, and his son, Kyle, who was born in March. The family is establishing a trust fund for Kyle, Rick Mortensen said. Details are pending.
In our hearts and thoughts...

To do this week:
Not Really There...or Here or Anywhere...Really
On Thursday I got a speeding ticket. I was racing to the library so I could avoid a 10 cent fee. I was clocked at going 20 over the limit. Please don't ask me where my mind was. If I had to guess it was in a flowery meadow far, far away from the road. The nice police man only wrote the ticket for six over. Bless him. I think the fact that Gracie kept yelling "Be careful, mama" from the back seat didn't hurt anything. Way to go, girl. You are never too young to start charming men that give out tickets.
This morning I started to fill my sink up with soapy water when I decided it would be the perfect time to deal with some of my tickets. Five minutes later I turned around to see my sink on the verge of overflowing.
Also this morning I enjoyed a delightful run barefoot, in my pajamas, while I chased my daughter who was also barefoot and in her pajamas. We were outside, because the mail man broke my doorbell (longer story). I was on my cell talking to a long lost friend, when I looked up to see Gracie booking it down the street. Since it was a long lost friend, I didn't want to hang up. We made it all the way to the park where I saw a billion dressed, well-groomed mothers, playing with their dressed, well groomed children. This embarrassed me enough to hang up the phone, grab Gracie and run back home.
I think it's best if I don't operate anything harder than the television. Even that is iffy.
If Only....

I just told Gracie not to stick pizza up her nose as a horrible scene will surely be the result, one where she'll have to go to the doctor. Her eyes lit up. She loves the doctor, because apparently that is the only place where she gets to play with new toys and get a sucker. I saw my mistake and to get her off track I started making gagging noises so she would hopefully realize that pizza up the noise is gross, and no one wants mom making nasty gagging noises, now do they?
Also, I woke up this morning to find that the best place for our cordless phone is apparently on top of the fridge. I pull a muscle every time I reach for it. Umm... I'll have to ask Sean about that one.
I was at the BYU Bookstore yesterday and decided that not only am I going to collect every good novel out there, but also all the fantastic children's book. I find them to be so inspiring. I also have fond memories of reading such books in my youth and want to give my kids the same opportunity.
More of the Good, the Bad and the Wishful
1. TV Watching. I'm willing to bet this is a common bad habit for more people than just me. At the end of the day, I'm beat and can barely keep my head my up so I turn on my trusty DVR. What did I ever do before cable and no commercials? Oh yeah! I read novels. Who needs those!
2. Bad Hair. Don't get me wrong, I always try my best to have fantastic hair but I've fallen into this habit of not doing it that often. I simply pull it back into a ponytail. Since I am prego I try to keep the highlights to a mild roar and I'm also finding it difficult to hold the hair dryer above my head. A lot of things are working against me right now. So this habit is here to stay until I have enough energy to be horrified at myself.
3. Sugar. This one comes and goes. Now that Halloween is over, it's on its way out. Thank Goodness.
4. Poor Organization Abilities. Right now, sitting in my new pantry are plastic hand gloves right next to the cereal. I have a feeling they don't belong there, but don't care. I think an embarrassing situation is likely to occur before this changes, something along the line of a guest pouring nails into their bowl for breakfast.
5. I sometimes don't brush my teeth until noon.
6. Dead Cell Phone. My phone always dies when I'm giving directions.
7.Overprotective. I am bizarrely protective of Gracie. It will be for the best if I can break this habit before she turns five. How embarrassing to have your mom following you around school?
I knew it, I just knew it.
You Belong in Rome |
![]() |
Sorry for the funny punctuation. That is how it showed up. I have no idea how to fix it.
The Good, the Bad, the Whishful Habits
1. Snacking. Normally this would horrify me, but seeing as I can't eat real meals because of heartburn and small stomach issues, I find I am really good at this. Gracie and I snack everyday at 11 and 3. I usually try to make these healthy tasty snacks. It's become our favorite part of the day.
2. Sleeping. I know a lot of people who struggle to get the recommended 7-8 hours a night. This is so not a problem for me. Without even thinking I usually manage to pull somewhere around 8-9 hours. I think the fact that I can't really function after nine at night has something to do with it.
3. Walking. I can't remember when I haven't been in the habit of walking every day. I love it. It relaxes me and provides me with special alone time.
4. Checking the mail. What can I say? I'm good at it. I do it every day with out fail and throw away any stuff that is not important. I hate junk mail hanging around my house.
5. Paying Bills on Time. Every time a bill comes, I take it straight to the computer and enter it into our bill pay. This keeps me from wondering what bills I've have or haven't paid. Did I mention I love bill pay and have no idea how people used to function with check books and stamps. After I enter it, I throw it away or file it for record use. I think I do this because I hate junk mail or scraps of mail hanging around (see #4).
6. Cleaning House. Cleaning does the same thing for me as walking. I love it. I love the way my house smells after its been scrubbed clean. I love knowing that sticky things aren't on my floor and that people can feel free to sit wherever they want. Cleaning also helps me when I have nervous energy. Stop by my house on a tense day and you're sure to smell Pine Sol from the free way. Even though I am more apt to use those fun smelling delicious cleaning products that are a little more expensive. I justify the cost by saying that cleaning is my hobby and I should invest in it.
7. Diaper Changing. I am also really good at this. The habit started when Gracie was born and she was always getting a rash. I had to change her diaper the minute she went or she would get a rash. One thing you can almost always count on is that Gracie has a fresh diaper. I like to think she finds it refreshing.
So, those are seven of my good habits. Tomorrow I will post my bad ones then I will post my wishful habits. It's nice to see that I am at least a little bit on top of things!
Insulting Compliment
Here is what happened.
Scene: I am minding my own business trying to find Gracie a Christmas outfit.
Lady with child strapped to her chest (she was very nice): Hi, I'm from Mary Kay and I'm doing my portfolio and I feel so silly saying this, but I think you would make a fabulous before and after. Would you mind if I gave you a facial and a makeover and took your picture.
Me: Uh....no thanks.
Lady with child strapped to her chest: Okay, thanks anyway.
The sad thing is I thought I looked pretty good that day. Apparently, I looked like one of those girls from the teen movies that is a nerd but becomes beautiful after a gay guy does her hair. The whole thing was a really big upper. As I drove home I decided that the only person I will let ambush makeover me is Oprah, because she has celebrity stylists cut their hair and they all come out looking like super models. And they get new outfits, and they get to be on T.V. I think I might let myself go a little bit more so someone will worry and write a letter saying that I need help. I think it might be worth it.
As for the motherly advice, I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Someone I know and trust needs to come and kindly tell me that it is time I start wearing maternity tops. I think if they say it with tact, a kind look in their eye, and possibly squeeze my hand, I will take the news okay.
Halloween Memories
Here is a bad picture of Gracie with Snow White and the seven dwarfs, who were actual little people. I tell you Sean's work was out of control. Apparently the CEO hire little people every year for his costume. Last year he was Charlie from the Chocolate Factory, the little people were oompaloompas.

Back on topic. I've come to a realization. I can't always be a gigantic go-getting goal setter. Ever since I can remember I've set goals, some of them silly, some of them grand, but I've almost always accomplished them. I don't take my goal setting lightly. I really think about something, ponder it, then ponder it some more. When I finally take the plunge, I know I am serious. I didn't take running a 5K lightly. It was torture of the truest form. A little after Gracie was born I made a conscious, well thought out decision that I wanted to be a writer. Writing is something I love, it's something I want to do, something I feel driven to do. While Gracie was in her first year, and when I was relatively friend-less, I wrote my first novel. It was a delightful experience, one I thoroughly enjoyed. The entire manuscript was recently requested by a company. It's an LDS Young Adult novel. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
As painful as it is for me to admit this, my goal-setting self is having a hard time keeping up with my goal, which is essentially writing ten pages a day. Every time I go to write, I fall asleep. There you have it. Right now I have a sweet daughter that requires constant vigilance from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes down. Sean is gone during all those hours. I have a gestating son that requires constant nourishment. For the past couple of months, I've been berating myself for not keeping my goal. I have really never done this before, but after much thought and pondering, I've decided to switch my goal. I'm going to focus on being a whiz bang mama. I can't physically keep up my writing and I'm so creatively blocked that I can't put together a decent sentence. At least I have my blogging, that I am still able to do!
I figure that soon enough Gracie will grow out her terrible two's, Jared will be four months old and taking regular naps. I will be able to get back to my ten pages everyday soon enough, until then, I am going to focus on being a mom, and enjoying the time I spend at home.
I am going to let the guilt go and just be happy.
Fantastic Halloween Read
It's A Boy!
I would like to post an ultrasound photo, but that would require a scanner. A) I don't know where my scanner is and B) I wouldn't know what to do with it if I did. I'll have to have Sean work on it.
In other country news:
Last night when I got home from the grocery store I found a weird bug being eaten by an even stranger larger bug. I decided to end the whole survival of the fittest fight by stepping on them.
I actually moved a dried out contact

So Long!
I will use the next two weeks to unpack, book new doctors and maybe meet my neighbors.
Thank goodness he took care of the electricity and water.
Until then, I will miss you all. I will see you in two weeks and hopefully have a bunch of pictures to post of my new family room that I painted blue. I can't decide if I like it. I now have to go to Home Depot for the five millionth time this week.
A Life Behind Bars

***On a totally random tangent, does anyone know the artist who sings the song in the new Old Navy commercial? The one about if you're cold you can have my sweater? I can't get it out of my head and want to download it. Thanks!***
Mystery Solved

It's yet another stormy day, for three days Autumn and her sister have been staring at downpours and cloudy skies.
Jasmine (Sister): What do you want to do?
Autumn: I don't care, maybe we can go to Starbucks and get a carmel apple cider.
Jasmine: Okay, they are really good. Sounds good to me.
Autumn: Awesome, I love the rain, it's beautiful and soooo green.
Repeat four times.
My trip so far has been fun. Jasmine's new baby, Ryder, is absolutely gorgeous and is such a good, mellow baby I'm having a hard time believing he is real. This is where I would love to post a picture of me with Ryder, but I forgot to pack my camera. I'm honestly surprised I made it here without losing my luggage and/or my daughter let alone my camera. It's best if I don't brag about this right now as I still have to make it home.
On a much sadder and nervous note, we are eagerly awaiting some test results to see if my mom has thyroid cancer. She's already had one surgery and we are hoping and praying that is all she will need to have. Mom, our prayers are with you!
In other news: Sean closed on our house. We are officially home owners! Rock on.
It's been a long day. Nothing bad has happened. I'm just worried about my squirt. She's sick with a mysterious illness, she's scratched her burn so much I'm afraid it's infected, and I should have way more things packed than I actually do.
Thanks for listening dear blog readers, I'm just feeling a little worn out. But I will now bravely leave my chair to go cook some noodles. Cheer me on!
I'm back..for awhile
This, as you might be able to tell is the front yard. I'm very excited for the garage. I'm not so excited about not having to scrape my windows as I am about the fact that I will be able to leave Gracie in her car seat while I bring in groceries. I currently live in a place that has no garage. I can't take a bag of groceries inside my house while Gracie is in her car seat because I am sure my car will be hijacked and then I will have to go on the news and beg the car thief to keep my car, but return my child. When I worked in the news, I always heard my director say that those parents were idiots. They weren't idiots, they were exhausted and unlucky.

Here is a shot of the living room. Unfortunately, the piano does not stay. I will have to put my unused guitar in its place. I think I'll also add Gracie's toy piano. That should really brighten the room.And hence the fully landscaped backyard with a swing set. This is what sold us. Apparently living in an apartment with a small patch of grass on a busy street makes one a little fanatical about a fully fence backyard.
So, I've got plenty on my plate for the next couple of weeks, most of which involves me taking my daughter to doctor appointments. We have her allergist appointment coming up, I'm praying she has outgrown her egg allergy.
Until I get another idea, or until my Internet trial runs out...bon voyage!
Woe is me!
The difficulty in blogging this post all has very positive reasons behind it. In less than a month we are moving to Utah County. That's right. I thought I left the county behind when I graduated BYU, but I wrong. Sean scored a great job at Omniture and starts work on Friday.
We were getting free Internet from his past employer. That little perk is now gone. I suppose now would also be a great time to mention, even though everyone already knows, that we are expecting in March. I'm getting congratulations from odd men in the street. Honestly, the LDS rumor circuit is something to behold. Just because I look like I might have gained five pounds and that I am about to puke doesn't always mean a gal is pregnant... Anyway, we are really excited! We are excited about our new house, new baby and new job. We have been blessed so greatly!
Okay, Sean is outside chasing Gracie around the library. I have pictures of the house we are moving to, but they are on the other computer. I will post them as soon as I can. I might be hitting the library everyday. Honestly, I had no idea Sean and I were so attached to the World Wide Web.
I Fought the Law....
Okay, so there are five million things going on in my life right now, and five million other things I should right about. But right now, I only have enough time and energy to tell you this. I won my battle with my health insurance.
Here's the deal. There is only one burn clinic in Utah, and they were not on our preferred care list. As a result we were charged outrageous prices for EVERYTHING. Every time I got a bill, I would just cry as our savings was flushed down the toilet. It didn't seem fair. I mean where else were we supposed to go? My mom suggested I appeal. So I called and in a very polite voice explained the situation and how we had no other choice than to be robbed blind. I was denied. I accepted that as my fate. Then I got another bill above and beyond the call of duty. Just seeing how much money we were going to have pay for something that normally should be covered infuriated me. I sat down and typed out the meanest, most polite letter you've every read. It gave me the chills to read it. I'm pretty sure I used some legal terms that people have told me to use before.
Anyway, it worked, our claim is being reprocessed for in-network fees. In a way it doesn't matter if we get very much money back at all, even though I suspect we might, I fought, I won, I feel good about standing up for my rights.